How to Choose the Best Hosting for WordPress Website in 5 Steps


Choosing the best hosting for WordPress website might seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

Actually, it’s like choosing a home for your website - you need to consider several key factors, such as the type of server, specifications, website traffic, data security and protection, as well as technical support and availability. In this article, we will help you go through this process step by step, so you can make the best decision for your website. Are you ready? Let’s get started!,

1. Two Types of Servers

Choosing a server is similar to selecting a home for your website. It really depends, on whether you require a big space with high-traffic infrastructure in place, or if you're after a small, but functional loft for the starting period. Here’s a comparison:

Check if a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a solution for your website

A VPS divides a physical server into multiple virtual servers. Each VPS operates like an independent dedicated server but shares physical server resources with other VPS instances. Think of it like living in an apartment building where you share resources (e.g., water, electricity) with other residents. VPS hosting offers flexibility, but you’re not the sole user.

This solution is sufficient for most new business websites, especially if you only start in the online world. This will allow for keeping overheads low. You can skip to a dedicated server anytime in the future.

Choose a Dedicated Server instead for your company when:

A dedicated server is hosting where the entire physical server is dedicated to a single user. It’s like having a standalone warehouse—all resources are exclusively yours. You have full control over the server’s resources, and it will perform at higher rates. This does make the difference when your website is visited by thousands of users at once, from many distant countries, or if you want to run a robust and complex online system like big eCommerce or portal websites.

While a dedicated server is more expensive and requires some maintenance, the resources and performance make it an ideal solution for large websites with high traffic.

2. How to Estimate your Website Traffic

It's like the number of guests in your home. The more visitors you have, the bigger the server you need.

What are the requirements for simple information websites?

Simple informational websites, such as blogs or company websites, usually don't get a lot of traffic. According to statistics, most of them have fewer than 50,000 unique monthly users. For such sites, a VPS may suffice. VPS flexibility allows easy resource adjustments based on your site’s needs.

What are the requirements for extensive online stores?

Large e-commerce stores, especially those with varying traffic, require more resources. The global e-commerce market is projected to reach $6.3 trillion by 2024. For such sites, a dedicated server is a better choice. A dedicated server provides full resource control, allowing for optimal store performance.

3. Server Specifications

Check what the server specifications are. Let’s compare this to choosing a car:

Understand Servers Computing Power

  • Processor (CPU) - How does the CPU affect website performance? The CPU is like a car engine. The more powerful it is, the better it can handle traffic of visitors on your website.
  • RAM (Memory) - How does RAM affect website performance? RAM is where data is stored. More RAM means better performance for you and users. This matters especially when you often modify your site, i.e. manage products in e-store or publish frequently on your blog.
  • Disk Space - How does disk space affect website performance? Disk space is like the trunk of a car. The larger it is, the more data you can store. Text content takes little to no space. Images, well optimized for web, are tiny boxes. Things get bigger with audio files (podcast archives), video files (high resolution or lengthy videos) and more specialized media like 3D models etc.
  • Network Bandwidth -Network bandwidth is akin to a car’s speed on the highway. Higher bandwidth means faster page loading. There are complementary services to improve performance of your site like CDN.

4. Security and Data Protection

How to Ensure the Security and Protection of Personal Data on Your Business Website?

The choice of server has an impact on the security of your website. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Firewall - Secure your website, and ensure your server has a firewall to protect against external attacks. Professional configuration of the firewall service, blocking, login limits and CAPTCHA will make your site bulletproof.
  • SSL Certificate - Don't forget your SSL certificate. They’re essential for secure communication between users and the server. Make sure your hosting supports SSL. Google penalizes websites without SSL in their search results, and you may notice a warning page with a red padlock, informing all visitors that your site might present danger to their devices.
  • Backups - Create backups of your website. Regular backups are crucial. Choose a hosting service that automatically creates backups for your site. Check out this guide on proper backup strategies.

5. Technical Support and Availability

How to Ensure Continuous Technical Service and Maintain High Availability

Before choosing a server provider, it’s essential to pay attention to several key aspects that will impact the quality of technical support and the availability of your website:

Technical Support Quality and Response Time

  • Check if the provider offers fast and competent technical support. In case of issues, it’s crucial to have access to assistance. You can learn more about this by following the Quora thread.
  • Make sure the provider has communication channels such as live chat, email, or phone to quickly resolve any potential problems.

Availability (Server uptime)

  • Ensure that the server has high availability (e.g., 99.9%). Any downtime can impact the user experience on your website. You can learn more about different types of server availability here.
  • Longer downtimes may lead to customer loss and a decrease in search engine rankings. 🌐

Why We Recommend dHosting with our Websites

Check out dHosting- our designated hosting provider. dHosting is a reliable hosting service provider, and its solutions are tailored to the needs of various types of websites. The Auto-Scaling service dynamically adjusts resources to match your website’s needs. It’s an ideal solution for sites with varying traffic. With this feature, you can avoid server overload during periods of increased traffic.

SLA Guarantee and Free Migration

dHosting offers a 99.9% SLA guarantee. This significant advantage ensures that your website will be available to users most of the time. Choosing a server is an investment in your website’s future. dHosting includes migration for new clients, making it easier to transfer an existing site to their servers.

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The choice of web hosting is a crucial step in running an online business. It not only affects the speed and availability of your website but also its security and scalability. Remember that the server you choose impacts the performance of your website, so it’s worth taking the time to analyze and select the right solution. You can also read this short guide on how to prepare for starting a new website collaboration. If you need assistance in this area, feel free to contact us!

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