Zielony Dom - Green Energy Company Website Design Case Study



Zielony Dom is an eco-friendly company based in Poland offering solar energy and heating solutions to households and companies, founded by Dariusz Bajor, an entrepreneur and expert in the renewable energy industry.

I met Dariusz through a mutual friend shortly after he received his green energy company website design from another company, which he wasn’t satisfied with. Together, we decided to leave the old project behind and create everything from scratch, this time meeting the business’s goals and giving visitors everything they need to make a well-informed buying decision.
Because Dariusz was actively serving his clients while working on the project, his availability was limited. That’s why he fully entrusted us with designing and developing the website with the resources provided. We also assisted the company with hosting services, domain registration, and website setup.
The website we’ll show you in this green energy company website case study aims at both individual clients and businesses. It showcases the benefits of installing green energy solutions along with current government programs and incentives. We even included a custom calculator form to show people how much money they can save by implementing renewable energy solutions.


Zielony Dom was actively serving clients they found through other channels but lacked any online presence, missing out on many opportunities of the web. The website was meant to serve as a way to show potential clients how they can benefit from installing solar panels in their households or businesses.

The founder was aware of the importance of a business website, but the project completed by the previous company didn’t meet his requirements. With that, we chose to discard everything they had done besides the logo and work from scratch to develop a new project Dariusz could be proud of.


Because the name “Zielony Dom” translates to “Green Home” in English, we chose it as the leading colour in the design, along with white, which is to signify the purity of renewable energy. After combining it with carefully selected fonts and stock images, we created a modern design that conveys the company’s mission and invites visitors to partake in it.

To highlight the company’s expertise, we featured a list of their partners and certifications with a section dedicated to current government programs and incentives promoting renewable energy. To make the process even easier, we implemented a calculator to let visitors of the website see how much they can save with a given program and install solar panels at a lower cost.

The new website also features case studies and a lengthy FAQ section to ensure visitors can find anything they’re looking for, along with a contact form for those interested in having solar panels installed on their property.

Copywriting for this project was done by our trusted partner, a native Polish speaker, who helped us create outstanding text content and insert relevant keywords into the content.


The website features a modern design and a helpful approach towards visitors. Together with case studies, testimonials, and certifications, the project focused on strong social proof and converting even more visitors.

With a new, sleek and functional website as a platform for their online presence, Zielony Dom can now find clients not only through word of mouth but also through completely new online channels, social media and online advertising, which has given them unprecedented growth opportunities.

We completed the whole project remotely while staying in touch with the client through phone calls, email, and Google Meet, which we used for live presentations at each stage to source feedback before proceeding further with the design.


"Thank you for the great advice and a splendid website! Reliability, resourcefulness and always friendly service are distinguishing NetSwifter from the competition."
Dariusz Bajor
Co-Founder of Zielony Dom


Updated branding guidelines
Fast and safe WordPress website across all devices
Content development and copywriting
Web development with custom 'savings calculator' form
Hosting and domain package
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